Security concerns multiply in direct relation to the number of people in any one place. Events are particularly vulnerable locations, with gatherings of all sizes and kinds attracting equally diverse numbers. Monitoring attendees safely becomes more challenging the larger the crowd is.Deploying a mobile security surveillance trailer is an excellent way to deliver effective event security.
This approach offers several key benefits that make this technology ideal for the physical realities and related psychology of event environments. This guide will explain how mobile surveillance trailers work, the technology they can offer, and who to call for event security you can count on.
The Built-In Security Challenges of Some Events

Not every event has the benefit of being in a fixed location. Fixed locations are something of a luxury from a security standpoint because they allow event organizers to establish permanent surveillance. Many gatherings take place at temporary indoor and outdoor locations – some being entirely ad hoc solutions to short notice requirements – which means mobile security must meet such events with the ability to adapt to the situation.
This is where security surveillance trailers shine, by addressing the concerns of event organizers and attendees:
They Provide Practical, Cost-Effective Solutions
Organizers can deploy mobile surveillance trailers only when and where they require them. Event managers receive top-level security at a fraction of the price of a permanently monitored, fixed surveillance setup.
Events Are Scarier Places Than They Used to Be

America set a new record for civil unrest in 2020. Confrontations between citizens and clashes with law enforcement are on the rise as political and social viewpoints collide with increasing force. Mobile units can be anywhere at any time to provide a protective eye on crowds and actionable evidence in the event of a security incident.
Trailers Can Provide Valuable Visual Evidence
The sheer mass of crowds can make gathering reliable evidence of a security incident challenging, if not impossible. Human memories are fallible, especially under stress, and stories can easily conflict, making a prosecution difficult. Security trailers stay calm in any situation and they never forget a face, no matter how chaotic the environment.
Many event attendees want to know they’re safe while not having other more visible security measures. Meeting this psychological need is just one of many different event benefits security surveillance trailers can provide.
8 Advantages of a Mobile Security Surveillance Trailer
The fact that trailers offer state-of-the-art surveillance technology is enough of a reason to hire one. Tech is a great security ally, but it’s the human touch in one form or another that makes an event as safe as it can possibly be. Trailers preserve that essential element while providing several other services that can make your gathering run smoothly, such as:
1. Remote Surveillance Agents Are On Guard
The most reassuring aspect of mobile trailers is knowing they’re connected to Video Surveillance Agents (VSAs) who monitor the feed. These VSAs are typically experienced in either law enforcement, the military, or public safety communications. They constantly scan events via mobile units for any actual or potential security incidents and take swift action by contacting on-site personnel or off-site authorities.
2. They Overcome Fixed Power Source Risks
Even the best security systems have to get power from somewhere. This typically comes from the same source as the location (arena, hall, corporate site) and thus is vulnerable to power surges, outages, or even sabotage. Security surveillance trailers run under their own internal power and provide independent internet connections.
3. Ground-Level Security From a Bird’s Eye Perspective
Mobile trailers use multiple cameras on 30-foot-high mounts to get a total view of the event and everyone in attendance. This unassailable position provides added security against tampering or vandalism while maintaining a 360-degree watch on everything happening below. High mounting also allows for intrusion detection from up to 1,200 feet away.
4. Trailers Make You Part of the Security Process
Event organizers often feel anxious and overwhelmed by event security concerns. Mobile surveillance units allow authorized parties to log directly into the video feed via their mobile device to see what the cameras see by connecting to a Real-Time Operations Center (RTOC).
5. Financial Flexibility and Fast Deployment
Security surveillance trailers are at any location’s disposal. Organizers can rent them daily, weekly, or monthly, as needs dictate, and set them up within minutes on any site. Mobile security solutions can also cost up to 60% less than hiring security guards.
6. Predictive Alerts Can Save Money
Mobile security packages come with a feature that could save event managers time and money: a 2 a.m. email sent to organizing officials detailing weather conditions on the site. This advance alert can guide the decision to go ahead with an event or postpone.
7. Multi-Spectral Imaging
Some security surveillance trailers provide a thermal camera option. This is ideal for monitoring large and hard-to-see areas where intrusion might go undetected while being especially valuable in detecting and preventing potential fire hazards. Thermal cams can detect temperature shifts of as little as .05 degrees Celsius.
8. Surveillance Trailers Respect Event Psychology

Attendees want to be able to focus on the purpose of the event, whether that’s recreation, education, or a mixture of both. Mobile units are a non-intrusive security measure that provides the sense of safety people appreciate while operating at a distance to avoid disrupting the mood or mindset your event aims to promote.
Organizing any event relies on establishing a secure and adaptable site that fits your safety needs. Mobile trailers can protect against disruptions both deliberate and accidental, while ensuring everyone in attendance feels protected without being scrutinized. Event managers should seriously consider a mobile surveillance trailer as an affordable and universal security solution.
Contact the SMART Team With Any Questions
Every event deserves to proceed with a sense of safety and confidence, which requires organizers to take a proactive security stance.The seasoned professionals at SMART Security Pros can walk you through the entire process of protecting your event and demonstrate how our trailers can keep your site and attendees expertly monitored. Contact us today with any questions and speak with an expert about our wide array of event security options.