It takes a lot of time, energy, and organization for your wedding to go off without a hitch (no pun intended). It’s something that can take months to years of planning, and even then it’s possible to overlook key details until the last minute. Most of us get caught up in the bigger sweeps of the wedding day, from where to host the reception, to the time of year when the event will occur. However, it’s important to access security concerns as they relate to our weddings. It never hurts to have an extra set of eyes, or a few more sets of hands, to handle problems that crop up on your special day. Especially when those problems concern the safety of you, your future spouse, and your friends and loved ones.
If you haven’t considered hiring professional security to help your wedding day go smoothly, then you should consider the following benefits a security team can provide you and your soon-to-be spouse when it comes time for you to say, “I do”.
Benefit #1: Crowd Control
We’ve all been to weddings where everything begins great, but as the evening progresses things just get a little out of control. Your old friends from college get a little too drunk, and a little too rowdy, and it becomes an issue you can’t handle tactfully. Your significant other’s parents start to grate on each other, and sparks start flying. Friendly ribbing among the wedding party starts to become not so friendly as the champagne is poured, and the toasts are said. These situations can quickly spiral into bigger problems if left unchecked, and that’s where a wedding security team can be most useful.
The thing to remember is that wedding security isn’t like the Secret Service. They aren’t standing around stoically with earpieces, attempting to provide a shield for you and your spouse. They’re more like the sort of security you’d find at a high-end hotel, and they may come off more like an elite concierge than a guard as Self Growth points out. They can help defuse situations before they become problems, and ensure that any problems get smoothed out before they become something anyone else would notice. This also ensures that you and your spouse can worry about each other, rather than trying to juggle your guests.
Benefit #2: Preventing Wedding Day Crashers
Anytime there’s a party big enough that you can’t keep track of everyone who shows up, there’s a potential for gatecrashers to try to blend into the crowd. Since you can’t be everywhere at once, it’s important to know that someone is watching your guests, and making sure that only the people who are supposed to be there are actually in attendance.
While wedding security may not be standing at the doors like club bouncers, they are there to make sure that everyone has their invitation, and that they’re on the list for the event. They provide eyes on the crowd so that anyone who stands out and isn’t recognized can be checked, and if necessary, escorted out of the event with minimal fuss. The same attention can be given to those who feel they should be present (jealous exes, disgruntled family members, and others), but whom you definitely do not want at your event.
Benefit #3: Keeping Trained Professionals on Hand
When we think of security, most of the time we think about confrontation. Keeping people who shouldn’t be at your wedding day out, dealing with friction between guests, etc. However, trained security professionals have a variety of skills that can be useful in other situations, as well. In addition to their training in conflict resolution, as well as how to handle physical situations if things come to that, many wedding security professionals also have basic CPR training. This can be particularly helpful if someone has a medical emergency, and needs help while emergency services are contacted.
Always ask what specific training your wedding security personnel have. Their answers may surprise you, and it might be just the skill set you need when something truly unexpected happens at your wedding, or the reception afterward.
Benefit #4: Help Organize and Handle Small Interruptions
Not everything that could go wrong at your wedding is a serious affair. It might be something small, like someone being too drunk to drive, but unable to find a ride back to their hotel. Or someone losing track of a watch, wallet, or other valuables.

Having event security standing by means you have people who can help solve these little issues quickly, and efficiently according to Brides. From making a simple phone call, to escorting people to their cars and ensuring that everyone is put on the proper path home, these are details that wedding security can handle that will keep the evening going smoothly. Things that, if they weren’t present, would fall on your shoulders instead.
Benefit #5: Assistance in Wedding Ceremony
When it comes to who is part of your wedding ceremony, most people tend to think of close friends and family members. However, if you have professional security at your wedding day, they can do their part to make sure everything is in place as well. Your security team won’t be carrying your rings or standing in for the maid of honor, but they can be involved in the general process to make sure that no one forgets their cues, and that everyone is where they’re supposed to be.
Security personnel can act as ushers to make sure your guests are all seated promptly in their proper locations, they can man the doors, and ensure that people are ready to get on (or off) stage when they need to. In fact, if you’re going to have security at your wedding, it’s a very good idea for them to be present for your rehearsal so they can be accounted for while familiarizing themselves with what’s supposed to be happening. After all, it’s only when something deviates from that norm that there could be a problem, and that’s typically when they’ll have to step in to resolve an issue.
Learn More About Hiring Professional Security for Your Wedding Day
For more information about how SMART Security Professionals can help in your wedding, or to get a free quote, simply contact us today!