Construction work sites continue to be attractive targets for trespassers, vandals, and thieves. The challenge for a commercial job site is an ever-changing landscape that requires vigilance and security protocols in place. The liability for construction companies is enormous. Damaged or stolen tools, equipment, and materials are not only costly to repair or replace but can cause big delays in scheduled work.
Common types of theft at commercial construction sites include tools, lumber, and other supplies that are easy to pick up and carry away. But even more costly to contractors is the theft of heavy equipment. From welders to Bobcats, only a small percentage of these machines are recovered once they leave the property. Thus, it only makes sense to employ the best security you can.
Ongoing mitigation measures are necessary for protecting valuable assets at commercial construction sites. You can lower the risks of theft and vandalism by installing and maintaining the proper security measures. These, as well as implementing stringent inventory control, help ensure workplaces are as safe and secure as possible. There are several steps you can take to protect your job site from being vulnerable to trespassers and thieves.
Develop a Security Plan for Your Commercial Job Site
One of the first and most important things you can do is create a site security plan early on. Identify at-risk areas on the job site, then create a comprehensive tally of valuable assets. It is also a good idea to register your equipment with a reputable company to help with asset recovery should you be a victim of job-site theft. Establishing an emergency plan for workers should anything go wrong is also a smart move.
You should consider hiring a professional security service like SMART Security Pros to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your property. Experienced experts can easily recognize and determine risks allowing them to make appropriate suggestions where security is needed most.
Secure the Perimeters
Sometimes it is as simple as installing fencing around your construction site’s perimeter to deter intruders. It not only lets trespassers know you take security seriously, but it also keeps equipment and tools in a limited area for trouble-free accountability. Maintain a clearance boundary along the fence line on both sides and consider posting trespassing warning signage at intervals around the perimeter.

Another important step to establishing site security is to limit the points of entry. It is the best way to reduce the chances of equipment being removed from the property unseen. Use high-quality chains and locks to secure gates when there is no activity or ongoing work at the construction site.
Install Lighting
Keeping the lights on is a great way to deter potential interlopers before they even get started. Well-lit work sites discourage trespass by eliminating potential hiding places and exposing threats to the property. Would-be criminals may be fooled into thinking the site is still active when the lights are on. You might want to consider motion-activated lighting as an extra effective deterrent. It is an unwelcome surprise to potential security breaches.
Installing an alarm is another great way to protect your job site. Whether you choose a silent alarm designed to directly contact the police without the intruder’s knowledge or a loud alarm to alert and scare him away, alarms are a viable method of defending against thieves.
Lock up Valuables
Much of the expensive tools and equipment on construction sites can easily be locked away in shipping containers or sheds at night and anytime workers are not there. Storage containers, in particular, are a weather-proof and durable solution to securing materials and equipment. They are virtually impossible to break into and keep thief-tempting equipment out of sight.
Of course, it is impossible to lock up bulldozers, cranes, and other larger machinery. Contractors might want to consider adding mobile tracking devices on machinery to quickly locate and recover equipment should it be removed from the property. It is a valuable business tool well worth implementing.
Invest in Surveillance Systems for Your Commercial Job Site
Take security to a whole new level by investing in a quality camera surveillance system. It is one of the most comprehensive ways to monitor your construction site without having to be there. Live video installations mean real-time monitoring of the property. Anyone trespassing is caught on camera and can be quickly identified by the police.
Surveillance cameras help prevent liability issues or lawsuits. They allow a time-lapse view of any activity so there is tangible documentation of the crime as it happens. In fact, cameras play a major role in preventing loss and protecting workers. Video surveillance gives managers the ability to monitor progress and keep track of work at any construction site.
Hire Security Guards
Professional security officers are the number one resource for construction site safety and security. Providing armed or unarmed security guards not only protects your property from theft and vandalism, but it also offers supervisors well-deserved peace of mind. Constant foot and vehicle patrol by uniformed security officers is as much an effective deterrent to crime as it is a smart solution to unexpected conflicts or situations.
Well-trained security guards know how to assess and peacefully address potential disputes. Daily visitors on construction sites including electricians, painters, and delivery personal make keeping track of new faces vital to security. Security guards are better able to control site access, particularly at the entrance and exit points, creating less opportunity for thieves and vandals.
Learn More About Commercial Job Site Security
SMART Security Pros is your comprehensive source of professional law enforcement security in Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland. Our security agents are experienced active duty or former law enforcement officers offering top-of-the-line protection. We provide both armed and unarmed security services available around the clock for special events, workplace, or personal security.
For those who prefer video surveillance, SMART Security Pros offers a Mobile Video Guard program. It is the ideal method of remotely protecting company property on commercial construction sites. Installation is quick and easy requiring no long term contract. Contact us anytime and let us know how we can help you get the peace of mind first-class security can provide.